The ultimate goal is to provide local startup ecosystems (startups, tech teams, and facility providers) a City-as-a-Service, with better access to Talent, Capital, Launching customers, and Content in an entrepreneurial environment.
Set of policies and fund allocations related to venture business, based on the work of a startup commission. What was/in the challenge? The government of the…
FabriQ is the first incubator supported by the Municipality, officially launched in January 2014 through a public call. What was/is the challenge? FabriQ is located in…
The project “Gründen in Wien” can be described best as an “open house” event on which all relevant stakeholders of the Viennese startup scene have the…
Manifattura Milano is the program of the Municipality of Milan officially launched in April 2017. Its objective is restoration and promotion of manufacturing in the city.…
The new creativity and innovation hub in Lisbon that brings together national and international players united by the same values: the best of innovation, creativity and…